Monday 30 October 2017

Let's Get Personal

17 years ago I left my husband and at the time had 3 children under the age of 5, I quickly went spiraling into depression and had no idea what I was going to do. By the laws of synchronicity I stumbled across a Reiki course. I had no idea what it was but something told me to do it, so I did. That weekend my life began a path of personal growth and profound change. Over the past 17 years I have learnt to heal many emotional traumas that I was holding on to from my past that had manifested into illnesses within my body. I no longer have any of these illnesses. I feel happy and healthy, but most of all I feel peace and I am extremely grateful for all of the lessons I have learnt on my journey. During this time I have completed my Reiki Level 2 and my Reiki Masters, certified crystal healing courses, Angel Intuitive Courses with Doreen Virtue and a Mediumship Course with Lisa Williams. I have read just about every self help book and spiritual book I could get my hands on and have learnt the most powerful lessons that we as humans are here to learn.

Unconditional love and forgiveness.

I can tell you these are the most personal gifts you can give yourself. They free you from any attachment or emotions that are holding you back or causing dis-ease within your body.

I have also recently been introduced to Pellowah healing which has had the most amazing impact on my life at this point. It has given me a radical shift in consciousness, (which it says it will do) and has given me a clarity I never thought possible. I have taken on learning all about technology and surprising even to myself, I am retaining everything I am learning. Something I never thought possible at my age as technology has never been my friend.

Pellowah has gifted me the ability to see my direction and purpose in life clearer than ever before. It has allowed me to hear my guides with distinct clarity and be able to follow my guidance with purpose. Through doing this I have opened up my heart chakra and my passion for everything I do now is overflowing.
With humble love and light I am now able to share these gifts with anyone who needs help on their journey of healing and self discovery also.

It has been a vision for quite some time to set up a training and healing room where like minded souls can gather for mediation, group healing, personal development and spiritual circles, or just to gather in a safe space for a chat over a cuppa.

This time has now come to fruition and the journey begins again.

This sacred space is now complete and we will also be running Reiki Courses, Pellowah Course and Crystal healing Course for children as well as adults.
If you would like more information on any of these course or sessions we run, or maybe just need some guidance on your journey I can be contacted through our website at 

I look forward to meeting many more people on this wonderful journey of enlightenment.
In Love and Light